Scientific Committee

  1. Dr Ralf Bandorf, Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films IST, Braunschweig (DE)
  2. Prof. Jolanta Baranowska, Westpomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin (PL)
  3. Prof. Ryszard Czajka, Poznań University of Technology (PL)
  4. Prof. Marek Godlewski, Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw (PL)
  5. Prof. Grzegorz Greczyński, Linköping University (SE)
  6. Prof. Jerzy Morgiel, Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Cracow (PL)
  7. Prof. Jan Walkowicz, Koszalin University of Technology (PL)
  8. Prof. Krzysztof Zdunek, Warsaw University of Technology (PL)


Invited Speakers


Prof. Diederik Depla
Department of Solid State Physics
Ghent University (BE)
„Modeling reactive magnetron sputtering: opportunities and challenges”

Prof. Jindrich Musil
University of West Bohemia, Plzen (CZ)
„Advanced hard nanocoatings deposited by magnetron sputtering: Present state and trends”

Uppsala Univesity

Prof. Tomas Nyberg
Ångström Laboratory
Uppsala University, SE
„Studies of non-saturated reactive sputtering processes”

Dr. Matjaž Panjan
Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana (SL)
„Self-organization of plasma in magnetron sputtering discharges”

tu vien

Prof. Yuri Suchorski
Institute of Materials Chemistry
Vienna University of Technology, Vienna (AT)

„Surface physics in UHV and catalysis on a nanoscale: a successful symbiosis? „

Prof. Xiubo Tian
Institute of Plasma Surface Engineering & Equipment
School of Materials Science & Engineering
Harbin Institute of Technology
Harbin (CN)
„High-current pulsed arc discharge for deposition of ta-C and DLC films”
